Monday, 17 October 2011

Moving into 3D Studio Max

Time to model!
So firstly to begin the modeling process I need to import my topology manipulated images into 3D Studio Max to use as reference planes.
I created two planes in the work space. I then opened the material editor and inserted the images as a bitmap. I then applied the UVW Map to the plane, one by one, slecting the 'fill bitmap' option and again selected the bitmap from the material selection. By selecting the 'gizmo' option I was able to rotate, resize and move the images on the planes independently of moving the planes themselves. I then came out of the gizmo selection and resized one of the planes to show the whole image. I realised that I wouldn't be able to resize the other plane to the correct size by eye and so I deleted this and created a new one by copying my 'front on' plane. I then again entered the gizmo option and moved the images to have one plane displaying the front on section of the image and one displaying the profile image. I once again exited the gizmo option and rotated the profile plane to be at a 90 degree angle to the front on image, using the snap angle toggle.

Here are the reference planes in 3DS Max

Now during the next section of working within 3D Max, I worked on different machines using these images and each time I went into 3D Max, the images on the reference planes looked pixelated and out of focus, as you can see above. I searched for this problem to figure out the issue and found that each time I opened 3D Max I had to go into Customize, Preferences, Viewports and Configure Driver... Once in here I had to toggle 'Match bitmap size as closely as possible' in both selections and to reload the bitmap images from the material editor. This solved the issue but as I mentioned before I have to do this each time I re-enter 3D Max.

The pixelated images.

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